"Never Buy White Socks": Women Are Sharing Habits They Picked Up From Other Women And It's Actually So Clever

Reddit user u/cheeseburgerstan asked, "What is something you started doing because you saw another woman do it?" and I've honestly learned so much reading the responses. Seriously. They should incorporate it into school curriculum.

Here are the top-voted answers:

1."I grew up without any women in my household. I didn't learn until later in life that you should ONLY put conditioner on your mid-length hair to your ends and AVOID THE SCALP. I learned it from a random lady on TikTok!"

woman getting her hair washed in the salon

2."I saw a girl in middle school put little circles instead of dots over her 'i's. I'm 30 years old now and I can't stop doing it."


3."At the grocery store, I saw this lady take the plastic bags they provide near all of the meats. She opened the bag, put her entire arm inside the bag, proceeded to pick up the meat she was going to purchase, and flip the bag around the meat so she didn't touch the packaging at all. I thought she was a f*cking genius."

person saying, that's good

4."Not moving out of the way when men are walking in my direction. I used to very quickly and nervously move out the way (common courtesy mostly). A friend said to me, 'They don’t move out your way, so why move out of theirs.' Now I shoulder check them all without consideration and it’s great."


5."I overheard two coworkers talking about how they never wear white socks because they get dirty. I have only bought black socks since then."

dirty white socks
Sergey Dementyev / Getty Images/iStockphoto

6."My college roommate my freshman year put lotion all over her body after every shower. I had never really moisturized until I saw her do it and here I am 15 years later fully lotioning after every shower lolol. Thanks, Megan lol."


7."I used to avoid wearing short dresses because of my stretch marks, then I saw a girl confidently rocking a sexy short dress with her stretch marks showing. It looked so normal and she looked super. So now I don't feel shame to show off mine. I can wear any dresses or outfit sand now I have a wider variety to chose from when I go shopping 😇.


8."I stopped saying 'Did that make sense?' In business meetings and writing too many apologies and pleases in my emails because I saw that my super cool female manager never did that."

woman looking smug

9."Appreciating women more. I was a major pick-me girl and try not to be anymore. It's a hard habit to get out of but I love myself more now that I can appreciate women rather than see them as competition."


10."To use up the good things NOW. Burn the good candles, wear the good makeup, dress in the best clothes 💕. No use in saving the best you have for some ‘better’ day. Act like every day is your best day.

woman smelling a candle
Comedy Central

11."I saw a woman a bit older than me at the time rocking a crop top with a happy trail and it made me SO much less insecure about my fuzzy tummy. I’ve since stopped shaving it before wearing crop tops, bathing suits, etc and don’t worry about people noticing. It's just hair, everyone has it!"


12."Washing my hands in public BEFORE using the restroom AND then after again. Watched a woman do this and it makes so much sense."

woman washing her hands

13."Random, but wearing perfume. I was going through a rough patch last year until the spring of this year and did the absolute bare minimum with hygiene. I was going out with friends and we picked up one of their friends. She got in the car and I could smell her and she smelled so good! And I thought wow, I want to have that effect. So I started doing some research and being thoughtful about scent choices. I love it."

woman smelling a perfume bottle

14."Paying compliments to random people I don't know. I had a woman compliment me in the city once. I LOVE pink. My pink hair was beautifully curled, I was wearing a pink dress, and my makeup was beautiful. She shouted to me, 'Yesssss girl!' More recently, another woman walked past me and leant in a little and said, 'Hey, Barbie!' kept walking but turned and winked. I thought about those all day, and I felt on top of the world. I now make it my mission to compliment at least one woman when I'm out. It can really change a day!"

woman pleasantly surprised

15."I started a skincare routine because I saw other women share their preferred products online. I grew up without any guidance as far as beauty and skincare goes. I don't do make up. But I do enjoy skincare, and I've seen improvement and had good results so far."


16."Eyeliner. Never managed to do a decent cat eye the way I did eyeliner. Then I saw a friend putting it on, starting on the outside of the eye and drawing towards the inside. Basically the wing first. I never thought about doing it like that. Now I can do a good cat eye within two minutes."


17."I was in gym changing room and saw a woman take a lock of hair and wrap it around her ponytail to hide the hair elastic. Genius."


18."Negotiating my salary. I have done this several times, taking the same approach that I’ve seen my other female coworkers do it. I have a lot of confidence in my requests, highlighting what I do instead of staying silent and continuing to do extra grunt work, being direct and/or assertive instead of backing down. It’s been difficult to force myself to do these things, as I grew up being very shy, insecure, and introverted. It's something more women should do!"

woman throwing money at the camera

19."Taught myself to French braid my own hair after I saw a girl on the bus do it."


20."When I was still in college a girl sat in front of me who had all of her items that matched. As in, pencil bag, water bottle, backpack, headband, etc. I always thought she seemed so put together by making sure her items all match every day and so I started doing it too. Now I get comments that people love that my things always match so it was worth it lol now I feel put together."


And finally...

21."This is so dumb, but I'm reminded of when I was little, I saw a girl wiggle her eyebrows individually and took that as a personal offense because I couldn't do it. Plus, she was younger than me. So I spent weeks after that holding my eyebrows down with my fingers during car rides and in the bathroom until I could train my eyebrow muscles to isolate each side. Now I can do it too lmao."

woman raising one eyebrow

Now it's your turn! What's something you learned from watching another woman? Comment below!

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.