My Microscopic Little Peanut Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 22 Incredibly Interesting Pictures For The Very First Time Last Week

1.This is how tiny a hummingbird's feather is compared to a penny:

A 1989 U.S. penny is next to a small feather and a tiny pink and black object on a yellowish surface

Folks, do we stan hummingbirds? Let me know.

u/sonomabud42069 / Via

2.This is what a chimpanzee's hand looks like up close:

A chimp hand

3.NASA gave some spiders a bunch of different drugs and recorded how it changed the way they made webs:

Six spider webs are shown with labels: "Normal Web," "Marijuana," "Benzedrine," "Caffeine," "Chloral hydrate." Text states NASA scientists studied spiders' web patterns on different drugs

Next time give the spider a cold, crisp Miller Lite and watch perfection.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

4.This is how big a size 18 shoe is compared with a can of soda:

The sneaker is at least three or four times higher than the can

Size 18 feet are gigantic...who knew?

u/madman751 / Via

5.This is what Antarctica would look like if all its ice melted:

A detailed map depicting a fictional landmass surrounded by ocean, featuring diverse terrain including mountains, valleys, and lakes

The rest of the world would also look a lot more wet.

u/geo-ict / Via

6.Baby owls sleep facedown, on their stomachs:

Baby owl lying flat facedown on sand or dirt

7.These are some of several disguises that US Intelligence thought Adolph Hitler would use if he managed to go into hiding after World War II:

A composite image showing two unnumbered photos of Adolf Hitler on the right and two altered photos on the left, with varying facial hair styles in black and white


Alamy Stock Photo

8.You're definitely familiar with King Tutankhamun's gold funerary mask, but did you know that the masks of other pharaohs have been found? This is the mask of the pharaoh Amenemope, circa 1000 BC:

Golden burial mask of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh with detailed headdress and intricate facial features

Really, really cool but, and no offense to my man Amenemope, it kind of looks like the generic grocery store brand of Tut's.

Dea / De Agostini via Getty Images

9.NASA recently captured one of the clearest pictures of Jupiter yet:

A detailed, NASA image of Jupiter reveals its swirling cloud bands and iconic Great Red Spot, showcasing the planet's dynamic atmosphere and distinctive features

Look at my boy Jupey!

Makhbubakhon Ismatova / Getty Images/iStockphoto

10.This painting, "First Communion," was made by Pablo Picasso when he was only 15 years old:

"First Communion" painting

Looks like a real chill time.

agefotostock / Alamy Stock Photo

11.When Mount Vesuvius erupted in Ancient Rome, the explosion carbonized several loaves of ancient Roman bread:

Various pieces of burnt bread from the Roman town of Herculaneum, preserved and displayed in a glass case at a museum exhibit. People are visible in the background

12.This is what Times Square looked like in 1921:

Times Square in 1921

We need more razor blades keen to shave me.

Edwin Levick / Getty Images

13.This is what the skull of a typical dog looks like compared to a pug's skull:

Two animal skulls, one larger and elongated on the left, the other smaller and rounder on the right, placed on a ribbed surface against a gray background


u/drmoe_zed / Via

14.This is a camera that's swallowed to provide a closer look at the digestive system of a person:

A hand holds a small capsule labeled "PillCam SB3," typically used for medical imaging

It's... seen some stuff.

u/petitesbetises / Via

15.Some parking garages have lights to let you know which spots are available and which are occupied:

Person walking in a nearly empty, well-lit parking garage with cars parked on both sides. A sign indicates “Parking Section.”

16.This is the last picture ever taken of President Ulysses S. Grant, snapped days before his death at his home:

Ulysses S. Grant on his porch

Shoutout Ulysses.

Afro Newspaper / Getty Images

17.Sometimes tadpoles can either not mature into adult frogs or get very, very huge:

A banana and a fish are placed side by side on a piece of parchment paper on a wooden surface. A person's hand is visible on the right

Like, size of a banana huge.

u/akikoo-chan / Via

18.This is Emma Lilian Todd, the first woman to design an airplane:

Emma Lilian Todd

That is some contraption.

Science History Images / Alamy Stock Photo

19.This is a Chinese Water Deer, a deer that evolved to have tusks instead of antlers:

A deer stands in a field of tall grass, looking to the left

"I vant to graze your plains." - Deercula.

Sandra Standbridge / Getty Images

20.Horseshoe crabs have blue blood that's harvested for medical testing:

Horseshoe crabs are being examined in a laboratory setup with four jars below them containing a blue liquid

21.This is what Mount Everest looks like from the window of a plane:

Mount Everest and surrounding snowcapped mountains

22.And, finally, some bees are blue:

Close-up of a person's hand holding a blue bee with black stripes. Caption reads, "Not all bees are yellow and brown."

Fantasy writers all over the world are shook.

u/nickeygroves / Via