Were You Ever A Bridesmaid For Someone Who Expected You To Drop An Exorbitant Amount Of Money On Their Wedding Festivities?

It's no secret that weddings (and all the festivities surrounding them) can be brutally expensive. Nowadays, it even costs an arm and a leg to be a wedding guest if you have to travel. But folks in the wedding party often get hit the hardest. The bill can be pretty massive between travel, accommodations, attire, hair/makeup, gifts, and other expenses.

Elegant wedding reception setup with long tables, plush chairs, hanging greenery, and string lights, creating a romantic and festive atmosphere
Victor Dyomin / Getty Images

Bridesmaids are often expected to spend the most money (not including the people actually getting married) when it comes down to it. The dresses keep getting pricier, not to mention the coordinating shoes or jewelry you're sometimes also expected to get. And then the hair and makeup is a whole ordeal.

Five women in matching strapless gowns hold white rose bouquets. Names not available
Mint Images / Getty Images/Mint Images RF

Additionally, bachelor/bachelorette party culture has gotten out of control. What used to be a singular night of celebrating with wedding party members and close friends has now evolved into a multi-day travel experience. Now, bridesmaids are pressured to drop hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a trip celebrating the bride just a few months before dropping more money to attend the wedding. It's pretty intense! People can always ask to opt out of the trip or other indulgent expenses, but that doesn't mean the bride/groom will be happy.

Four women in bathrobes toast with champagne glasses, each holding a glass of bubbly, one holding the bottle. They are smiling and wearing sunglasses
Izusek / Getty Images

Have you ever been a bridesmaid for someone who expected you to drop a ton of money on their wedding? What happened?

Three unidentified women in pastel dresses holding bouquets of assorted flowers, likely attending a wedding or similar event
Stylish-pics / Getty Images

Perhaps the bride expected all 10 of her bridesmaids to pay for a week-long trip to an all-inclusive resort just three months before expecting everyone to fly overseas for her destination wedding. When some bridesmaids, including you, said you couldn't afford the trip or get the time off from work, the bride became belligerent and told you just to skip her wedding as well. You'd already paid for your dress and its alterations.

Three women relax on loungers by the edge of an infinity pool overlooking a coastal landscape with islands in the distance; one woman splashes water with her foot
Maria Korneeva / Getty Images

Maybe you were a bridesmaid for your college roommate, who changed a lot in the 12 years between your time as roommates and her wedding. Because she was marrying money, she acted like everyone had plenty to spare. When she sent her bridesmaids the link to the $1,000 dress she expected you all to buy, you were shocked that you were the only one nervous about the price. She guilt-tripped you into buying the dress and remaining in the wedding party, which you regret because the marriage lasted eight months, and you don't even talk to her anymore.

A group of people in lavender bridesmaid dresses holding bouquets. One person holds a flower basket. Names of the individuals are not known
Lisa-blue / Getty Images

If you've been a bridesmaid and were asked to drop an absurd amount of money to "fulfill your duty," we want to hear your story! How much did the bride want you to spend? Did this conflict hurt your friendship? What did you end up doing? Tell us your full story in the comments or submit it anonymously to this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.