The Easiest Way To Wash Your Blender, According to Vitamix

It's a breeze to clean as long as you follow these instructions.

<p>Simply Recipes / Ciara Kehoe</p>

Simply Recipes / Ciara Kehoe

I've owned my Vitamix blender for nearly nine years, and I can say with certainty that it is my most prized kitchen appliance. I rely on it daily to make homemade nut butter, hummus, and pesto, and even to grind up massive amounts of Parmigiano Reggiano.

My trusty Vitamix was by my side when I started solids for my three children. It’s whipped up enough purée to feed a small army of hungry babies. It has also kept me fueled with protein and nutrients by blending a daily smoothie into frosty perfection. It’s safe to say I’d be lost without my Vitamix.

With all these culinary delights comes a lot of mess, but luckily, the Vitamix (and any brand of blenders) is a breeze to clean as long as you follow the manufacturer's directions. I chatted with Adam Wilson, Senior Manager of Culinary Education at Vitamix, and I have a few tips to share.

How To Clean Your Blender Like a Pro

Rinse the blender with running water to remove stuck-on food. The water's temperature matters. “Warm water is generally a best practice to help remove residue from the side walls from the blenders,” explains Wilson. While your first instinct may be to use super hot water, warm water will help preserve your machine.

Then, fill it about halfway with more warm water. Add a drop or two of dish soap and secure the lid.

This is important: The key is to use a small amount of dish soap! You may be tempted to add more, but don’t do it—speaking from experience! Your blender is powerful, so it can churn even one or two drops of dish soap into epic suds.

Some Vitamix machines have a cleaning setting you can use, but if you have an older model like me, you turn the machine on the lowest speed. Slowly turn it up to high speed and process the soap and water mixture for 30 seconds or until the pitcher is full of suds.

Then, rinse it with plenty of warm water until all the soap is gone. I like to air dry the pitcher flipped over on top of a baking rack set on a kitchen towel (or you can use a dish drying rack), so it has airflow that allows the inside of the pitcher to dry fully.

<p>Simply Recipes / Getty Images</p>

Simply Recipes / Getty Images

Is It Safe To Throw Your Blender In the Dishwasher?

As tempting as it might be to toss the blender into the dishwasher, it’s not worth the risk. The high heat will damage the blender's components, especially if you own an older model. That said, according to Wilson, “Currently, all of our legacy series and newer blending containers are dishwasher-safe.” Just check your specific Vitamix model or the specific brand you own before putting anything in the dishwasher.

How To Clean Deeper Stains

Every once in a while, it’s good to give your blender pitcher a deeper clean to remove stains—I do this once a quarter.

“Certain herbs and spices (turmeric, curry, cloves, cinnamon, saffron, etc.) contain volatile oils, which can stain the blender. When this occurs, we recommend pouring equal parts of water and white vinegar into the container. Let the container soak in an upright, standing position for several hours, then pour the contents out and use a soft pot scrubber to clean the inside of the container. Be cautious when cleaning around the blade assembly. Keep in mind that it may take several attempts before the staining/discoloration is completely removed,” recommends Wilson.

Wilson advises that if you have a film on your blender, it’s nothing to worry about. “It’s just a buildup of fiber and minerals.”

Consider it a visual reminder of the fruits and leafy greens your blender has helped you incorporate into your diet! If the cloudiness bothers you, you can use the same deep cleaning process described above to help remove the buildup.

Embrace the Mess!

Wilson shares that cleaning the pitcher immediately after use can make things much easier, and he offers tips for making use of the mess.

“After blending nut butter, make a soup. This will help clean the oils off of the container and add flavor to your dish.” I can’t wait to use this tip the next time I make homemade nut butter. The goodness left behind will work perfectly in my daily smoothie!

Read the original article on Simply Recipes.