How Is Vedic Astrology Different From Western Astrology?
Astrology is a popular way for people to try to make sense of themselves and the events in their lives. Usually, when people in the West talk about astrology, they're talking about Western astrology, which has its roots in early Hellenistic Greek culture.
But Vedic astrology is a different system, one that's shown increasing popularity in some Western societies. While the two systems are related, they have some crucial differences that we'll explore below.
What Is Astrology?
Broadly speaking, astrology is a means of inquiry into the relationship to the "heavenly bodies" (stars and planets, basically) and human personalities and destinies. It proposes that the position of the stars and planets on the date of your birth have significant implications on who you are and what happens to you in life.
In Western culture, astrology has its roots in early Hellenic Greece. The beliefs of the day held that there was great spiritual significance to the movement of the stars and planets. Through careful observation and calculation, they devised a system of interpreting what they saw in the night sky — and what it meant for human life on planet Earth.
What Is Vedic Astrology?
Vedic astrology is related to Western astrology. In fact they may have common roots, although the precise nature of the relationship between both is something hotly debated by scholars today. Vedic astrology, which is also known as Hindu astrology or Jyotisha, is based in the Hindu belief system.
Specifically, Vedic astrology draws its ideas and symbols from the Vedas, which are the foundational texts of Hinduism. A key concept is that of bandhu, or friend: the idea that there is an intimate connection between the smallest details of a person's life and the larger cosmos.
While originating in ancient India, a Vedic astrology chart has a lot of contemporary popularity, especially among Hindus. While the roots of this practice had to do with the complex specifics of Hindu worship and rituals, it's not unusual for Hindus to consult with a Vedic astrologer when planning their wedding, or even using Vedic astrology in their matchmaking practices.
How Does Vedic Astrology Differ from Western Astrology?
As mentioned above, there are plenty of similarities between the Western astrology system and the Vedic, or Indian astrology. For one thing, they share the same signs of the Zodiac, although they don't correspond to quite the same dates.
There are a lot of differences. too. Many of them are pretty specific and would require a lot of background to make sense of.
For the sake of a concise introduction, we'll touch upon two large areas that will give you an idea of how these two astrological systems differ.
Sun vs. moon: Western astrology tends to focus on the role of the sun, whereas Vedic astrology places much more emphasis on the moon. This means that your moon sign — as opposed to your sun sign — is of critical importance, as the moon is believed to have a great deal of influence, owing to its proximity to the Earth.
Sidereal zodiac vs. tropical zodiac: Because the Earth's rotation has a slight wobble, its relationship to the distant planets and constellations shifts subtly over time. Amazingly, the ancient Vedic astrologers noticed this and adjusted their calculations accordingly.
Why Use Astrology?
Everyone wants to make sense of their lives — especially when they feel lost or overwhelmed — and astrology is one approach.
While the scientific community has long rejected the veracity of astrology's chief claims, it remains very popular. Plenty of people read their horoscopes, even if they don't have a strong belief in whether or not astrology is objectively true.
There are lots of different ways to use astrology, especially the Vedic variety, that go way beyond simply checking one's sign in the daily newspaper (or online). Most people who get into astrology will have their birth chart done, which means having a knowledgeable astrologer look into the specific details of their birth and the position of the planets, moon and astrological signs.
Once these details are known, astrology can become a meaningful way to put life circumstances in perspective. Often, more than accurate predictions, people seek a way to interpret events and make decisions.
Vedic Astrology: The Beliefs Behind in the Signs
In the Hindu religion, there is believed to be a complex interplay between one's karma (the result of one's actions and thoughts) and the karma that one has accumulated in their past lives. Hindus believe in reincarnation, and the underlying philosophical concept is one of a long, cyclical spiritual path that eventuates in moksha, or freedom from the cycle of life and death.
Because everything is, on some deep level, connected, nobody's karmic path is entirely individuated. Our actions affect others, of course, but adherents of Vedic astrology believe that celestial bodies also play a role. This doesn't mean we have no free will; on the contrary, we can utilize our free will when we react to situations that we're presented with.
Vedic Astrological Signs
Those interested in Vedic astrology needn't worry about learning a whole bunch of new Zodiac signs; the system shares signs with the same constellations used in Greek astronomy. However, the dates are somewhat different, owing to the reliance on the sidereal zodiac, rather than the tropical zodiac used in the Western tradition.
In addition to these 12 signs, there are also 27 lunar mansions, which further underscore the importance of the moon in Vedic astrology. And that's not all! Each sign comes with a sign lord, which is the ruling planet of each sign.
This is where the practice begins to get very detailed and in depth, and if you're interested, it makes sense to consult with a trained astrologer. Below is a list of the signs — a good starting place — as well as how their dates differ from the Western signs you're probably already familiar with.
1. Mesha (Aries)
Vedic astrology dates: April 14 - May 14
Western astrology dates: March 21 - April 19
2. Vrishabha (Taurus)
Vedic astrology dates: May 15 - June 14
Western astrology dates: April 20 - May 20
3. Mithuna (Gemini)
Vedic astrology dates: June 15 - July 15
Western astrology dates: May 21 - June 21
4. Karka (Cancer)
Vedic astrology dates: July 16 - August 16
Western astrology dates: June 22 - July 22
5. Simha (Leo)
Vedic astrology dates: August 17 - September 16
Western astrology dates: July 23 - August 22
6. Kanya (Virgo)
Vedic astrology dates: September 17 - October 16
Western astrology dates: August 23 - September 22
7. Tula (Libra)
Vedic astrology dates: October 17 - November 15
Western astrology dates: September 23 - October 23
8. Vrishchika (Scorpio)
Vedic astrology dates: November 16 - December 15
Western astrology dates: October 24 - November 21
9. Dhanu (Sagittarius)
Vedic astrology dates: December 16 - January 13
Western astrology dates: November 22 - December 21
10. Makara (Capricorn)
Vedic astrology dates: January 14 - February 12
Western astrology dates: December 22 - January 19
11. Kumbha (Aquarius)
Vedic astrology dates: February 13 - March 13
Western astrology dates: January 20 - February 18
12. Meena (Pisces)
Vedic astrology dates: March 14 - April 13
Western astrology dates: February 19 - March 20
Which Astrological System Is More Accurate?
As you might imagine, there's a degree of rivalry between these two systems; each has its adherents, and some of them would like to claim that their system is "better" or more "true." It's beyond our scope to try and settle this debate, but we can point out some differences in focus between the two systems.
The sidereal zodiac system used in Vedic astrology is technically a more accurate reading of where the constellations are at a particular moment in history (such as your birth). That said, Western astrology, with its emphasis on the sun, can be seen as being more "symbolic" in its significance, and less reliant on the specifics of astronomy.
Both systems can get very specific, depending on how deep you want to get into the specifics of your chart. But Vedic astrology is generally more concerned with specific predictions about life events, and tying those to one's larger karmic path.
In contrast, Western astrology can be seen as more introspective and psychological, speaking to the way you feel about external events, and why you have certain personality traits. Vedic astrology is most meaningful from within its Hindu spiritual tradition, whereas Western astrology has become far more secular, along with the rest of the Western world's secular drift.
Original article: How Is Vedic Astrology Different From Western Astrology?
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