Tell Us The Surprising Thing You Found Out When Meeting A Partner's Family For The First Time That Made You Want To Call It Quits

Everyone remembers the oh-so-very-important step of meeting their partner's family for the first time. If you're lucky, it'll go great, and everyone will walk away best friends. If you're not so lucky, you might find yourself in a completely bizarre scenario.

A woman with short hair, wearing glasses and a patterned blouse with a cardigan and trousers, knits on a sofa in a cozy living room
NBC / Universal

So I want to know: What was the major WTF moment you had when meeting your partner's family for the first time?

Maybe you walked into their parents' home and realized they were extremely wealthy; I'm talking private jets, multiple vacation homes, and outings to Michelin-star restaurants kind of wealthy. Your partner never mentioned this to you, and it completely took you aback.

a scene from Succession set during a dinner party

Maybe you learned their family has some deep, dark secrets that your partner kept from you. Perhaps you saw some suspicious photos or heard a few stories that completely shocked you.

Ego Nwodim and James Austin Johnson in a living room setting, sitting close on a couch during an SNL sketch. Ego is in a red blouse, and James has a gray hair wig with a cardigan

You may have found out their family has some unusual habits. Maybe their father is a little too comfortable around guests and often "forgets" to put on pants. Or you might be dealing with a stereotypical helicopter parent who is wildly overprotective of their adult child.

An SNL sketch: A man reads a magazine on a sofa while another man, wearing only white undergarments, stands on a windowsill and reaches for the top of the window

Whatever the shocking, wild, or downright weird moment was that completely threw you for a loop, we want to know about it! Tell us all about what happened when you first met your significant other's family in the comments below, or fill out this form to remain anonymous. Your story may be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!