Kate Middleton Was Caught in Another Photo-Editing Snafu

Samir Hussein

Noted amateur photographer and editing experimenter Kate Middleton has been caught out again—this time for a picture that was released nearly a year ago.

After the British Mother's Day photo Kensington Palace released in March was pulled from major newswires, including the Associated Press, because it was found to have been misleadingly edited, the palace posted a statement to social media in which Kate herself took the blame. “Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing,” the statement read. “I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C.”

But apparently this isn't the only time the Princess of Wales has had a Photoshop fail. On March 18 a spokesperson for Getty Images told The Telegraph that a photo that was released in April of 2023 was also digitally altered. The photo, taken by Kate, shows Queen Elizabeth II seated on a green couch, surrounded by her grandchildren. “Getty Images has reviewed the image in question and placed an editor’s note on it, stating that the image has been digitally enhanced at source,” said the spokesperson.

Getty circled six spots on the April photograph that seem to show evidence of digital manipulation. These issues include weird vertical lines on the sofa and the queen's skirt that do not match the rest of the picture, mysterious black sections behind children's ears, and inconsistent blurring.

Take it from Kim Kardashian, who joked about going to find the princess herself, imperfect photo editing will never go without major public scrutiny. So maybe it's time for Kate Middleton to leave the Photoshop to the professionals.

Originally Appeared on Glamour