Love Is Blind Star AD Explains the Truth Behind Those Pre-Reunion Screenshots With Clay’s Family


Amber Desiree “AD” Smith was visibly shocked when, during the Love Is Blind season-six reunion, Clay Gravesande said he had made a mistake by leaving her at the altar. She, in turn, confused viewers when she failed to shut down the possibility of reconciliation, telling Vanessa Lachey, “Next question,” when asked.

Whether it was their body language during the reunion or screen recordings of their time together after filming the reality dating show, some fans of the series believed AD and Clay were already back together, while others hoped the 33-year-old real estate agent would stick to her promise not to date the 31-year-old entrepreneur if they didn't exchange “I do”s.

Since the reunion aired on Netflix on March 13, AD has repeatedly said that she and Clay are just friends, though her statements haven't convinced everyone that they'll stay that way. “Nah, she would go back and she knows it,” one fan replied to her post-reunion interview with Entertainment Tonight on TikTok. That comment received more than 10,000 likes.

However, AD tells Glamour that there's a reason she didn't give a definitive “no” during the reunion special, and it's not because she's wavering. Mostly, she says, it felt “inappropriate” to give an answer “in front of the world, in front of him” after Clay had just called her the “love of my life” in front of the entire cast, studio audience, and viewers watching at home.

“I was in shock,” AD tells us over the phone. “Maybe I just didn't have the right words at the time. But yeah, it just didn't feel appropriate to just say a matter-of-fact answer right there.”

Does she have a matter-of-fact answer right now? “Clay and I are friends and that's where we are and that's where I believe we'll remain,” she says. Three weeks after the reunion was filmed, AD spoke to Glamour about everything you still want to know—from her postshow reunion with Clay’s mom, Margarita, to that second date with Matthew—oh, and whether or not she's “glad” that she and Clay didn't get married at the end of the show.

Glamour: Okay, you and Clay are just friends. Can you explain those screen recordings of you and his family that sparked all those dating rumors ahead of the reunion?

Amber Desiree “AD” Smith: So that was actually Thanksgiving last year, and Clay told me that his mom was in town and she mentioned wanting to see me. I hadn't seen her since the wedding, so I was like, “Well, absolutely.” I love her. She's an angel; his siblings were in town. I have a really good relationship with them as well, like you guys saw with [Clay's] mom on the show. So it was just a great opportunity to see people that I care about and that care about me during the holidays. I don't have a lot of family here, so we had some foods and drinks and we just celebrated had a good time and then I left.

What did Clay’s mom say to you the first time you reconnected?

It was just all love. We didn't really talk about the show much; there was really no need to open that and hash that up because I think we all kind of got the closure we needed there. It was just all love, celebrating the holidays, and just being around family.

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I know you said you’ve kept your engagement ring. But what about the wedding dress?

I do have my wedding dress. She's in my closet hanging up.

Do you ever bring her out?

No. [Laughs.] No.

A lot of secrets came out after the show about certain cast members. Was there one that shocked you the most?

Oh, for sure. The Trevor thing was very shocking.

Were you surprised that he came back for the reunion?

No, because I think everyone should get an opportunity to tell their truth and tell their side of the story and I'm glad he showed up. I mean, it probably wasn't as favorable as he imagined, but he did his best to get his side out.

There were a lot of “girl’s girl”/“pick me” accusations going around during the reunion. What does being a “girl’s girl” mean to you?

I think it's just this unspoken rule book where if you're building a bond and a connection with women or girlfriends in your circle—or women that you are in close proximity to—there's just a certain level of unspoken rules that you just don't break. And the main one is taking somebody's man. So, when you break rule number one, it takes you automatically out of the category of being a girl's girl.

Clay’s facial expressions during the segment about Matthew sparked a lot of memes. Was that the first he heard of your dates?

No. We had conversations. He knew that I went on a few dates with him.

I know you said the first date was so Matthew could apologize for the way things turned out on the show, but I have to ask: Why was there a second date?

I was just intrigued. He asked me out again. I didn't really have much going on. I don't think now he's a bad person. I don't hate him. I had time. You know, why not?

It seems like the audience is more angry at him than you are. Was the situation less dramatic than it appeared onscreen?

No, I think it was an accurate portrayal. No one wants to see anyone be played and no one wants to see it in real time. So I think people watching…you're like, “Oh my God, how would I feel if I was in this situation?” People really place themselves on the screen, not knowing what it's actually like in the moment. So I can understand why people would get kind of up in arms or enraged about it because everyone has an opinion on what they would do if they were in that situation. But we're there. We're all dating everyone and you just kind of go with the flow and try your hardest not to take things as personal, but it's hard when you're actually falling for people. But I understand how people watching could get super upset.

How long had it been since the pods when you met up with Matthew?

Um, a few months. It was like maybe even a few months after my wedding date, so I'm not quite sure, but it was months after the pods.

You mentioned on The Viall Files that you classify your relationship with Clay as “flirty friends.” How did that friendship develop?

Well, the friendship started in the pods. Like, we have just been friends since day one of meeting in the pods. Kind of like I mentioned, he was my fiancé. I still think he's super handsome and very attractive. And we're both single people. The chemistry never went away.

I like to reiterate, I don't hate that man. And I know he doesn't hate me, so when we get around each other, it's just natural chemistry…. But again, we leave it at flirty friends and we just kind of move on. I think once he gets into a serious relationship—or I do—that will subside. But for now we just have fun and living life. We're young and we're hot and we're just vibing.

America definitely feels that way about you. When E! News first posted your reunion dress, I saw someone comment that they thought you were announced as the next Bachelorette. Would you sign on for another dating show like The Bachelorette or Perfect Match?

I am just gonna keep the door open for whatever opportunities come my way. If it fits the lifestyle I'm in that moment, for sure. If not, then we'll just wait for the next opportunity. But again, I'm not closing it off. I'm not saying yes. I'm not saying no. We'll just see where I am in my life when it's presented.

Even when you’re an obvious fan favorite, the internet still has a lot of opinions. Between the “bean dip” moment and “stacked” comment from Jimmy, some viewers felt you were objectified or sexualized by other cast members this season. How did you feel watching it all back?

I felt the same way I felt in the moment. I felt like they were jokes that kind of went haywire. I still believe that they were jokes, and I feel like it was not rooted in anything being overtly sexual. I think the way it was portrayed on TV, I could see how someone would see it that way, but me, personally, I'm okay. I feel fine. And I just don't feel overly sexualized. I also think if that's the case, I think maybe we should be asking other cast members why they feel comfortable speaking on my body and maybe not me.

There were some people online suggesting your conversation with Kenneth in the DR contributed to his breakup with Brittany. Did you see those responses?

I saw them, yeah. I just was like, Wow, they they think I have a lot of power. I don't know where they got that, came to that conclusion. I don't have a magic wand that makes people break up. I don't have the magical words that, like, lead people astray. Ken and Brittany are two grown adults. And they made the decision on their own. However they came to that decision I can guarantee had nothing to do with me.

I mean, people need someone to blame and it's easy to villainize. I took it because I know the truth, so it's all good.

How do you tune out negative noise and misinformation?

I grew up dancing. I kind of grew up in the entertainment industry. I've been judged almost my whole life from dance competitions, so I'm used to being judged at auditions. For every one negative comment, there's 1 million positive comments, and that's why I focus my attention on people that are loving on me and praising me and supporting me. I can't dwell on the negativity because that's what negative people want. They want to bring me down and I'm not going to join in that negativity.

I am a joyful, light, happy person. And I'm not going to say that I don't see the negativity and that sometimes it doesn't get the best of me, but for the most part, there's so much love out there. And that's what I focus on.

Switching gears a bit, how much prep time did you have between the pods and the honeymoon trip to the Dominican Republic?

There's like a day or two in between where you can kind of do some maintenance, do some shopping, hair and nails, and then yeah, right off to DR.

What did you make sure you had with you?

Fresh pedicure for sure. Because that was like the second time I would see my new fiancé, so I had to have nice clean nails and toes. I think I grabbed a few more bikinis just because I was like, I really wanted him to think I'm hot. But I think I packed everything else that I needed.

What was your favorite part of the entire experience?

I think my favorite part is definitely the camaraderie between the women and how close we are still to this day. There's no way we could have gotten through this experiment without each other and the fact that we remain so close—almost all of us are still super close. And I think leaving with that friendship is something that I'll cherish forever.

When was the last time you hung out with some of the girls?

Ooh, probably like a little over a week ago…. Me and some of the girls will go work out maybe once a week, get some drinks or dinner, breakfast…. We are pretty close.

Chelsea and Jimmy look pretty cozy in new TMZ photos. I’m not going to ask you to speak for them, but would you approve of them rekindling their relationship?

Sure. Listen, I'm just happy for everyone living their best lives. That's all I have to say.

Do you have any advice for upcoming cast members?

I would just say make sure you've done a lot of self-work, whether that be therapy or just making sure that you are in the right space mentally. Because it's not easy and it's real-life decisions, like real-life choices. It's not a game. There's a lot of people involved that are trying to get great outcomes for their lives, so don't go into it thinking it's a game. And lead with love.

Clay Gravesend and AD Smith in the season-six reunion of *Love Is Blind*
Clay Gravesend and AD Smith in the season-six reunion of *Love Is Blind*

What was your biggest surprise throughout the experience?

Besides getting dumped at the altar? I don't know if there's a bigger surprise than that.

Looking back, is there any part of you that’s glad you didn’t get married that day?

I wouldn't say glad. I would definitely say things worked out the way they were supposed to. I think glad would be a stretch, for sure, but I just believe everything happens for a reason.

Has anyone slid into your DMs since the show?

They are. They are sliding in.

Anyone you want to shout out?

Absolutely not. [Laughs.]

What are you looking for right now?

Right now I'm just looking to take care of myself. I'm not looking for a man. So if a man is looking for me, he's gonna have to come correct. He's gonna have to be bold and confident and lead with love and be a gentle person. But I'm not looking for anything. I know I'm the prize and I know the person that's going to find me is going to be ready and willing to take the lead and nurture a great relationship with me.

Let’s give them some helpful hints. What are your love languages?

Gifts, acts of service, and quality time.

Emily Tannenbaum is an entertainment editor, critic, and screenwriter living in Los Angeles. You can follow her on Instagram.

Originally Appeared on Glamour