Woman says 'good food' the secret on 108th birthday

A woman who celebrated her 108th birthday said "great care and good food" was her secret to a long life.

Lilian Ross, who lives at the Paddocks Care Home in Swaffham, Norfolk, was born in 1916 - the same year the toggle light switch was invented and the Battle of the Somme.

Ms Ross said sheep heads and pig's trotters were among the foods her mother gave her growing up in London.

She said she was "astonished" to have reached the milestone.

Ms Ross celebrated the occasion on Tuesday with ballroom dancers, a BBQ and a visit from the town's mayor.

"I put it down to great care and good food," she told BBC Radio Norfolk.

Jenny Strutt, who looks after Ms Ross at the care home, said she was "always smiling, always happy."

"She is a total inspiration to us all, we all love her," added Ms Strutt.

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