Aquarius July 2024 Horoscope: Read Your Monthly Predictions

Daniel Egneus

Read your sign's 2024 horoscope to see what's in store for you this year, or check out the Aquarius personality profile.

Happy July, Aquarius. In June, you may have felt a bit spread thin during the Capricorn full moon. Another one arrives this month in the same ambitious sign. But perhaps more importantly, July is set to be an absolutely lovely month for your relationships.

The first major transit of the month arrives on Tuesday, July 2, when dreamy Neptune goes retrograde in its home sign of Pisces and your 2nd House of Possessions, helping you reevaluate how you spend your time as it pertains to finances. While we all have to do what needs to be done to put food on the table, check in with yourself to see if you're pouring too much time and energy into an activity that doesn't properly compensate you. Unlike Mercury retrogrades, which are short and intense, Neptune retrograde stretches out between now and December, so this evaluation will be time-release rather than fast-acting.

More immediately, also on Tuesday, July 2, messenger Mercury slides into your romantic 7th House of Partnership, indicating that early July will see casual hook-ups grow more serious for Aquarians who are dating. If that doesn't apply to you, whether you're asexual or in your celibacy era, know that the 7th House also rules friendships and important business relationships, so those could also deepen.

When the sky goes dark with a new moon in caring Cancer on Friday, July 5, it's a gentle reminder to slow down and take care of yourself. This dark lunation falls in your 6th House of Health, which isn't a call for alarm but, rather, a reason to rest. Additionally, your 6th House adores beauty routines and is the moon phase associated with beginnings. A cosmic excuse to change your hair or get a manicure? We love to see it.

Compared to other signs (Leo, Libra, and even Scorpio… we drag you with love) you don't care too much about what other people think, Aquarius. However, when the wise asteroid Pallas ends its retrograde and goes direct on Tuesday, July 9, in your 10th House of Social Status, you're relaxing the need to look cool on social media or impress someone who, truly, you don't actually like. This change of mindset gives you more time to focus on the relationships nearest to your heart. How handy, as on Thursday, July 11, lover planet Venus moves into your 7th House of Partnership, reminding you how much you do care about best friends and/or partner(s).

You'll get to have so much with those people this month, Aquarius. When red-hot Mars moves into your pleasurable 5th House starting on Saturday, July 20, epic times with friends are ahead. This transit also blesses any long-term romantic partnerships with a resurgence of sexy, passionate energy. If you want a way to celebrate Mars' entry into your 5th House that gets you off but doesn't involve other people, spend some time with your favorite sex toy.

When chatty Mercury moves into its home sign of Virgo, you may find yourself a bit more guarded with your words.

While the Cancer new moon gently asked you to rest, the full moon in ambitious (but at times arrogant) Capricorn on Sunday, July 21, could leave you feeling simply burnt out. If you want to stay in this night, you're totally allowed. The very next day, on Monday, July 22, the sun enters social Leo. For the next few weeks, with the sun in your 7th House, where pretty Venus is already hanging out, see you enjoying quality, memory-making time with friends, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to make plans.

However, as Pallas going direct asked you to change how you approach socializing, the end of July sees you rethinking how you communicate. First, on Thursday, July 25, when chatty Mercury moves into its home sign of Virgo, you may find yourself generally a bit more guarded with your words and who you share life updates with. This theme continues when Chiron, the wounded healer of the zodiac, begins its retrograde on Friday, July 26, in your 3rd House of Communication. You'll likely want to keep things like big professional or relationship updates close to your chest, only sharing them with trusted friends until everything is official. We'll see you in August.

Important dates in July 2024:

Tuesday, July 2: Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces
Tuesday, July 2: Mercury enters Leo
Friday, July 5: New moon in Cancer
Tuesday, July 9: Pallas goes direct in Scorpio
Thursday, July 11: Venus enters Leo
Saturday, July 20: Mars enters Gemini 
Sunday, July 21: Full moon in Capricorn
Monday, July 22: Sun enters Leo 
Thursday, July 25: Mercury enters Virgo
Friday, July 26: Chiron goes retrograde in Aries

To see monthly predictions for another zodiac sign, check out our full list of July 2024 horoscopes.

Originally Appeared on Allure

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