Canadian TV personality Dina Pugliese reflects on turning 50: 'Equal parts grateful and terrified'

The former "Breakfast Television" star celebrated her milestone birthday with a "sense of adventure" and a trip to Italy.

Dina Pugliese celebrated a milestone birthday. (Image via Getty Images)
Dina Pugliese celebrated a milestone birthday. (Image via Getty Images)

Dina Pugliese has entered the "half century" club. On Wednesday, the former "Breakfast Television" host celebrating her 50th birthday with a candid Instagram post reflecting on the beauty of aging. Pugliese shared a carousel of photos, starting with a sun-kissed vacation selfie from Italy, followed by a series of childhood snaps.

"Today I turn…50," Pugliese began her caption. "Just like that, a half century is behind me and that is blowing my mind. Needless to say, I am equal parts grateful and terrified."

Pugliese expressed mixed feelings about the milestone birthday, writing, "Some days I still feel 27, other days (when I wake up with a random injury from sleeping weird) a good 93."

The Canadian TV personality reminded her fans to "savour every moment" because "time flies." Pugliese said that although she can sometimes be "a worry wart" and feels "intense empathy and sadness for others" she’s all about finding the bright side. "I also choose optimism and look for sunshine wherever I can find it in people and places."

Pugliese and her husband Aleks are celebrating her birthday on the Amalfi Coast, which she calls one of her "most favourite places" in the world.

"So here we are, my first morning at a half-century years old, fresh Italian breakfast in my belly, a sense of adventure in my soul, sensible shoes on, ready to take on the next decade," she revealed.

Pugliese wrapped up her post with a powerful reminder about how precious time is. "Time is promised to no one, so try to make the most of what you’ve got while you have it. Do more of what you love, tell those in your heart that you love them, count your blessings every day and grab life by the reins, because time goes by way too fast! One day you wake up, and you’re 50!"

In the comments, fans and friends wished Pugliese a happy birthday and applauded her optimistic view on aging.

Canadian TV host Tracy Moore wrote: "Happiest birthday to the most beautiful girl. And when I say beautiful I mean inside and out. You are a bright light, a sweet soul and most importantly, a good human being. My life is better with you in it, D."

"Such a beautiful post. You are right it whips by family, friendship, peace and good health are the gift. Happy Birthday wishing you all the love and joy," former "ET Canada" host Cheryl Hickey wrote.

Dina Pugliese celebrated her 50th birthday on the Amalfi Coast. (Image via Getty Images)
Dina Pugliese celebrated her 50th birthday on the Amalfi Coast. (Image via Getty Images)

"Fifty never looked so good. Wishing you all the best on this next chapter of your life," commented a follower. "Let the adventures begin! You actually have already started such an adventurous lifestyle that we all can take a chapter out of."

"It's so refreshing to hear a 50-year-old woman have such self-acceptance around aging, considering the way society treats aging women," a fan chimed in. "This is how we normalize it. You're absolutely stunning! Thank you for this important reminder."

On Pugliese's 49th birthday, she shared another candid message about aging.

The Toronto-native penned a caption reflecting on her 40s, explaining the "reason they call it the 'f—-it 40s,'" in the post. "You come into your own. You realize what’s what. You tolerate less crap. You’re all about quality time with quality people. You’re OK with saying 'no' to things. You’re acutely aware of how short life is."

"Now, at 49, I feel a deep sense of calm and peace," she added.

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